Digital Transformation: engaging in Co-Creation to prepare for future security threats The European – Singaporean relationship

2 aprile 2019, dalle ore 8.00
I-Com, Palazzo Colonna, Piazza S.S. Apostoli 66, RomaDigital Transformation convegno roma future security

Digital Transformation: engaging in Co-Creation to prepare for future security threats The European – Singaporean relationship

Un convegno cura di:
ReS On Network

Simone Centola – International Lawyer, Withers KhattarWong LLP
Davide Maniscalco – autore di

Con il patrocinio della Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione Europea e Ministero della Difesa, Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB), ICCS – Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, Cy4gate – Elettronica Group, AFCEA International – Roma Chapter, ReS On Network, Fondazione Margherita Hack e partnership con “I-Com”, Istituto per la competitività, Netonets, Namirial Information Technology, Withers Khattarwong e